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1.- Do you like reading?

a) I like Reading very much. 42%


b) I think it’s OK. 32%

c) I don’t like reading. 23%

d) I hate it. 3%

2.- How many books have you got at home?

a) Up to 20. 67%

b) From 20 to 50. 29%

c) From 50 to 100. 2%

d) More than 100. 0%

3.- The books you usually read…

a) Are a gift. 8%

b) You ask them for your birthday or Christmas. 6%

c) Someone lends them to you. (from school) 76%

d) You get them from the library. 10%

4.- How often do you go to the library?

a) Always.

b) Usually. 100% (we all have an opportunity to use the school library)

c) Sometimes.

d) Never.


5.- How many time do you spend reading during a day?

a) Less than 1hour. 38%

b) More than 1 hour. 61%

c) Two or three hours. 1%

6.- In which period do you read more?

a) During the school year. (I changed this to after school) 92%

b) On holidays.

c) At the weekends during the school year and on holidays.

d) I only read at school. 8%


7.- What is important to you when you choose a book?

a) The plot and the topic. 34%

b) Illustrations and the cover. 44%

c) I only read the books they ask me to at school. 16%

d) I do not choose the books because I only read books I am given or the ones someone lends me. 6%

8.- Do you talk to someone about the books you read?

a) Always. 4%

b) Usually. 59%

c) Sometimes. 20%

d) Never. 17%

9.- Your favourite topics are…(you can choose more than one option). I have written the choices in order of the pupils’ preference.

a) Adventures.

d) Fantasy.

g) Comics.

c) History.

b) Horror.

e) Love.

f) Poetry.

h) Others: animals…..…....…....…......……

10.- Write the titles of your 3 favourite books:

Some of the most commonly suggested books are:

Harry Potter, Road Dahl, Lemony Snickett, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Gruffalo, Princess series by Tony Ross, Horrid Henry

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